Baby drive my car
Yipee, we now have a car. Actually it's Tabbert's car, but what's his is mine, and what's mine is mine. (as Anna Nicole would say) We flew up to Rochester yesterday, where his brother has been looking after his car for the last 4-5 years. It's looking good. Took it for a spin around the block. (Well, actually we kind off got lost trying to get to the grocery store... in the 'burbs of U.S. every block looks the same). I must say, i do like having a beamer. It's an adult car. No more Toyota's for us, it's sooooo last century. Only problem for me is that it is a stick shift so that's going to be interesting. Not only do i have to get used to driving on the other side of the road, i also need to learn to drive stick with the other hand. Good luck to the other cars on the road.
So while we're here, we're going to spend the weekend skiing with his brother & his family. Tabbert rarely sees his 2 nieces, Sydney & Addie, so it would be fun to hang out with them. I'm now on the prowl for a new pair of skis since selling my last pair to Lilanee. Don't really know what i want yet so i'm going to demo a few pairs here before i buy. It's sale time now so skis are cheap cheap cheap. No doubt Tabbert will be tempted to get a pair too, he's already devising ways to sell his skis to his brother so he can get a new pair. (he only got them like a year ago) Anyway, after this weekend, we'll be heading back down to Maryland with a stopover at my sister's place for a couple of days in upstate New York. Actually, i'm really there to check up on Fleur. Just wanna make sure she's not starving or torturing the cat. I also hear there's a good ski mountain nearby where she lives so maybe we'll check that one out too. Yup, we're really trying to get the most out of this ski season, which surprisingly is still considered peak season. It's tough living the life of the unemployed, but someone's gotta do it....
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