Smelly pool
So Tabbert & i joined the gym nearby. The way we've been eating here means we really need to get active or we'll end up like porkers. BTW, entrees here are called appertizers, and mains are called entrees. So when you order your mains, you are ordering your entrees & when you want your entrees you ask for an appetizer. Got it. Anyway, sorry to digress, back to the gym. It's a pretty cool gym with yoga, kickboxing, aerobics classes, great exercise equipment and an indoor heated pool. We went in last week for a tour & managed to score a free 7 day pass before we sign up. Pretty cool. Today was my second visit to the gym & i used their pool. Phew, indoor pools are intoxicating. The smell of the chlorine can be reassuring (at least it's killing off the germs) but not very pleasant. No matter how many showers one takes after a swim, you still smell like the pool. We tried the yoga classes yesterday which was a little too slow for me. I think i need to do something more cardio first & than the yoga classes. Anyway we better sign up with this gym soon, the guy who took us for a tour around the gym keeps asking us what we think of the gym. I'm starting to feel quite guilty about using the free pass. That's how they hook you in, give you a free pass and then guilt you into joining up.
On the side note, i've also started my job search. Well, not really, i've just started Americanising my resume. Making sure that the spelling is American. i.e color instead of colour, flavor instead of flavour (not that i have any of those words in my resume). I also need to cut it down to one page. Apparently American resumes need to be just one page. So all i've done is just shrink the font size. I'm exhausted just trying to find the best font type. One that looks pretty but professional. That says i'm serious but not too dull. You'll be surprised what your font says about you. ;-) I'll keep you up to date with how my job search goes. Till than, if anyone has any advice on job searching please post them on my blog. I need all the help i can get.
P.S. If you're wondering why Tabbert's picture is on this post, well... i just thought this blog just can't always be about me now can it. Besides, i couldn't find any other pictures that made me look good.
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