I'm an aunt! My younger sister just gave birth to a beautiful girl, Tara, on the 17th Jan 07 (Sydney time). She's really quite a gem, so much hair, looks just like her mum when she was a baby. We were all very anxious to find out whether "peanut" (the nickname Jo called her when she was in the womb) was a boy/girl. She was very shy in womb, not letting us know what her sex was, there was even a betting pool going on whether peanut was a boy/girl. When she finally arrived a few days later after her due date, we were all very excited. Esther & I were waiting anxiously as we are on the otherside of the earth. Wish i was there to hold my little niece. Jo is coping well after the labour, apparently enjoying being a mum. When i spoke to her over the phone, she sounded so happy. I guess i was expecting her to sound tired & exhausted as most new mums are, but not Jo. I can't believe i'm an aunt. 17th Jan 07 is certainly an auspicious date as that's when we closed escrow on our house here too. Congratulations to Steve & Jo on a beautiful baby girl...