Lost in adaptation

It has been 3 months since we've settled into Sunnyvale, California. We are right in the heart of the silicon valley, but miles away from everything that i know. It's funny how we take things for granted. Back in Sydney, i never had to think twice about where to shop, how to do my banking or my taxes. I just did it. But here, everything is an effort. To open a bank account, i have to provide all kinds of documentation to prove that i exist. Apparently, i don't exist in the eyes of the government until i start paying taxes. So what am i to do? I had no choice but to join the ranks of the working class. True to the fashion of this region, i found a job at a start up company. Only than can i validate my existence.
I never thought adjusting to life in the U.S. would be so much effort. At times i feel lost, not knowing what i am suppose to do. It's not really culture shock. It is really about letting go of a part of yourself and embracing a new life. So there goes the city dwelling Ivy with the slightly socialist views, learning to embrace the car-loving, mostly suburbian, definately capitalistic views of America. Will i survive this change intact or will i rebel and never fit in? Only time will tell.